Tuesday 24 January 2012

Does right to life include right to die also. Give your arguments in favor and against of this statement.

The rights to life, liberty and happiness are assumed by our nation's founding fathers. But never did they intend that liberty to include suicide. Many today are insisting on "liberty" in many areas in which it never existed before. This reminds us that the Judeo-Christian ethic upon which this country was founded is being eroded away with each passing day. The Bible tells us that life is a gift from God (Genesis 2:7). Thus, we abhor the taking of our own life no matter what the circumstances!

People are seeking "death with dignity.Dignity is defined as "proper pride and self-respect, honor." Where is the honor in taking one's own life? Can we only respect ourselves if we can kill ourselves? How is a physician who swore to keep his or her patient alive supposed to turn around and hasten a patient's death?
People want to be independentnot a burden.We all feel that we can do it ourselves--even from little on. But a religion teaches us that we need help from God. We are also taught to help others when they are in need. Eliminating all those who need help makes a cruel and selfish world for those who are left.
Some in extreme pain wish to shorten the suffering.There are painkillers that allow the dying to be comfortable until the end.Sufferingcan cause us to rely more fully on God. It can be a blessing in disguise. We ought to fear the possibility of suffering eternally in hell for taking our own life more than we fear suffering in this life!
Many argue that "terminal" patients be allowed assisted suicide.As human beings, doctors may incorrectly diagnose a patient's condition. If we base our decision solely on human rights, then how can we deny suicide to the very depressed? "You shall not murder"--yourself or others!
The Constitution of India provides a long list of fundamental rights under Part-III. Article 21 of our Constitution is one of the important fundamental rights among those rights. This article 21 of our constitution deals with “Protection of Life and Personal Liberty.”The Article 21 reads as follows:“No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law.”
A question may arise, in case of a dying man, who is, seriously ill or has been suffering from virulent and incurable form of disease he may be permitted to terminate it by a premature extinction of his life in those circumstances. This category of cases may fall within the ambit of ‘Right to Die’ with dignity as a part of life with dignity. According to the court these are not cases of extinguishing life but only of accelerating the process of natural death which has already commenced.

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