Tuesday, 24 January 2012

What do you understand by the women empowerment? What steps / schemes initiated by our government in this regard?

Women Empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social or economic strength of Women. It often involves the empowered developing confidence in their own capacities. Empowerment is probably the totality of the following or similar capabilities:

1.                Having decision-making power of their own.
2.                Having access to information and resources for taking proper decision.
3.                Having a range of options from which you can make choices (not just yes/no, either/or.).
4.                Ability to exercise assertiveness in collective decision making.
5.                Having positive thinking on the ability to make change.
6.                Ability to learn skills for improving one's personal or group power.
7.                Ability to change others’ perceptions by democratic means.
8.                Involving in the growth process and changes that is never ending and self-initiated.
9.                Increasing one's positive self-image and overcoming stigma.
The Constitution of India guarantees to all Indian women equality (Article 14), no discrimination by the State (Article 15(1)), equality of opportunity (Article 16), and equal pay for equal work (Article 39(d)). In addition, it allows special provisions to be made by the State in favor of women and children (Article 15(3)), renounces practices derogatory to the dignity of women (Article 51(A) (e)), and also allows for provisions to be made by the State for securing just and humane conditions of work and for maternity relief (Article 42).

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